Sunday, March 25, 2012

How to Get Around

Just by eyeballing, it looks like about five Frances could cozy up into one Canada. That being said, we still need to get around, and one of the drawbacks about being in an area that is less expensive and less touristy, there is less public transportation. Renting a car in France is ridiculosly expensive, so we decided on a short term lease from ideamerge. Basically, you get a brand new vehicle, delivered to the airport for use. They then take it back, selling it as used, saving the very high new vehicle tax. It comes fully insured AND they clean it, making milk and cheerio spills okay. You don't need a international driver's license in France (although I have one), and the drive on the 'right' side of the road. Here is what we are getting:
C'est mignon, n'est pas?

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Bucket List

While two months can seem like an eternity in this cold, Canadian climate, in reality, it's not that long! Our trip won't be of the 24/7 type, we intend to spend a lot of time hanging out with the kids close to home. That being said, there are certain things that we really want to do. Here is what is currently on our wish list.
Fields of lavender
Fete de Remparts (for the kids)
Drink a lot of really good wine
Go somewhere in Paris that involves a sexy dress and high heels and most importantly, a babysitter
Fabric shopping in Paris in Montmartre
French marché
Mont St. Michel
The L Man:
The Tour de France
The G Man:
As always, we are open to advice, suggestions and opinions! Is there something you loved? Something you miss?

Monday, March 12, 2012

La Mer

Although there was little discussion or thought about where we wanted to stay, there were a few requirements: not too touristy (coastal south), close to the sea and somewhere were we could create a home away from home. We decided on Bretagne (Brittany). European friends of ours reccomended this site, which led to this house. It is in a tiny fishing village, 200m from the sea. There is shrimp fishing, clam digging all just a short walk away. The G Man is going to be thrilled! What I loved most about this is when I looked at the property with google earth, there were big shaggy horses in the back yard - apparently the adjacent field is let out for the horses! It just sound so magical. I have to try to keep slightly realistic that while we will be in France, someone will invariably get an ear infection, throw up or both. That being said, check out the local sights:

Friday, March 9, 2012

Our One Wild and Precious Life

Bonjour! Bienvenue! Guess what? The Tates are going to France! The trip has been in the works for over a year now, here is how it started: I very much want to learn to speak French so that I can communicate with my very bilingual family, help the kids with their homework, and volunteer at the kids school. I think the fastest way for me to learn, is total immersion. Sink or swim! We are pulling the boys out of school for June, and will be travelling for two months. So yes, very daunting to think about travelling with our three boys ages seven, four and two, but I always think of this:
I can't wait for our next adventure. More to come soon! A bientôt!!